Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Character Elements

My character/hero was designed to look big and powerful, stronger then the average like the example in this picture. The smaller vehicle doesn't compare to the size and strength of this military tank. It can handle any task it is put up against. The square shape along with it armor really shows how my character is prepared and isn't going to go down easily without a fight. The tank shows how it was designed for many situations because a tank usually goes into a battle not knowing what will happen but it is well prepared, the same goes for my character.


My character is represented by the color blue which stands for intelligence, confidence and wisdom. He will be able to out-smart any and all obstacles. Even at his worst moments he keeps calm and relaxed which is the key to any situation. He has hidden powers where he is able to unlock more of his brain then the average human which gives him a huge advantage to help him think himself out of any situation. This power would also explain why he is so confident in himself.

Our character is portrayed as heroic but there are a lot of evil things going on in his world. The background and lighting show that there is a lot of obstacles he will encounter but he does not have the will to give up. In this picture the weather and terrain are against them but they keep moving forward just like our hero would. The lighting coming down on him really show his masculine features. The lighting also shows how as far as you can see it is dark and terror rains down on the world and he is the only one to stand there and fight, enough to equal and entire army like it this picture. 

The character of the villain is portrayed like the shape of this rust chain. He is rough looking and you never know what he is going to do. He is mysterious and might break under the pressure like in this picture. His shape is rounded, thin and lanky. Also he wears a mask showing that he is trying to hide himslef showing his lack of confidence and that he isn't as powerful as he was made out to be, he can not stand up to other so he has to resort to weapons.

His colors are dull and dark. He has a sort of bum, poor aspects to him. His colors show the darkness in himslef. His colors are pretty much on one side of the spectrum showing that there is no good in him he will never change. He will always have a dark soul. The color also lets everyone know that he is probably armed and dangerous and that he may look weak but he shoould not be messed with because he will go to any level to get exactly what he wants.

This picture shows that our villian is in a light background showoing he is out in the open and will to show he is dangerous, he is not hiding the fact. His features lack color and intrest but point out the important things about him like his mask showing mystery and his weapon showing his atthority. The lighting is opposite of what everyone might actually think. Everyone might assume he would be in a very dark place trying to him himslef but he is not affraid to show what he is working with which is why he is in such a well lit place.